Database Startup Script-Oracle


  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 ##################################
  3 ##Database startup script
  4 ##################################
  5 #
  6 #
  7 ##################################
  9 ##########################
 10 ## Script Usage check
 11 ##########################
 13 Script_Usage()
 14 {
 15 if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
 16   echo "Usage: sh db_name"
 17   exit ;
 18 fi
 19 }
 21 ###############################
 22 ## Define globals
 23 ##############################
 25 Define_Globals()
 26 {
 27 export db_name=$1
 28 export log_dir=/u01/logs
 29 export LOG_FILE=$log_dir/db_start.log
 30 export script_dir=/u01/scripts/database
 31 export script_name=$0
 33 export UPPER_DB_NAME=`echo "${db_name}" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
 34 }
 36 ##########################################
 37 ## Logging into logfile
 38 ##########################################
 40 logit()
 41 {  
 42    if [ ! -d "$log_dir" ]; then
 43      if [ ! -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then
 44        echo "Log directory $log_dir or Log file $LOG_FILE does not exist. Please create and re-execute."
 45        exit ;
 46      fi
 47    fi
 48    echo "[${USER}][`date`] - ${*}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
 49 }
 51 ############################################
 52 ## Check ORATAB file exists or not
 53 ############################################
 55 Check_oratab()
 56 {
 57 logit "Checking existence of ORATAB"
 58 export ORATAB=/etc/oratab
 59 if [ ! $ORATAB ] ; then
 60   echo "$ORATAB not found"
 61   logit "$ORATAB file not found on the server"
 62   exit ;
 63 else 
 64 echo "$ORATAB file found on the server, Continuing to next step...."
 65 logit "$ORATAB file found on the server, Continuing to next step...."
 66 fi
 67 }
 69 #############################################
 70 ## Check if the database exists in the ORATAB
 71 #############################################
 73 Check_database_oratab()
 74 {
 75 logit "checking existence of $db_name in ORATAB"
 76 export ORATAB=/etc/oratab
 77 export DB=`grep "^${db_name}:" /etc/oratab|cut -d: -f1 -s`
 78 export UPPER_DB=`echo "${DB}" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
 79 if [[ "$UPPER_DB_NAME" == "$UPPER_DB" ]] ; then
 80      echo "$DB database found in ORATAB, continuing to next step...."
 81      logit "$DB database found in ORATAB, continuing to next step...."
 82      export ORACLE_SID=$DB
 83      export ORACLE_HOME=`grep "^${DB}:" /etc/oratab|cut -d: -f2 -s`
 84      export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
 85 else
 86 echo "$DB database not found in ORATAB"
 87 logit "$DB database not found in ORATAB"
 88 exit;
 89 fi
 90 }
 92 ##########################################
 93 ##Check if the database is already running
 94 ##########################################
 96 Check_database_Running()
 97 {
 98 logit "Check if the $db_name databse is already running"
 99 pslist="`ps -ef | grep pmon`"
100 for i in $DB ; do
101 echo  "$pslist" | grep  "ora_pmon_$i"  > /dev/null 2>&1
102 if (( $? )) ; then
103         echo "Oracle Instance: $i is Down, continuing to next step...."
104         logit "Oracle Instance: $i is Down, continuing to next step...."
105 else
106         echo "Oracle Instance: $i is already  UP and running, terminating the script execution"
107         logit "Oracle Instance: $i is already  UP and running terminating the script execution"
108         exit ;
109 fi
110 done
111 }
113 ########################################
114 ## Starting Database
115 ########################################
117 DB_Start()
118 {
119 logit "starting Database"
120 sqlplus '/as sysdba'<<ENDSQL >> ${LOG_FILE}
121 startup
122 show parameter db_name
123 select open_mode from v\$database ;
125 logit "Database started"
126 logit "end of script: $script_name $db_name"
127 }
129 ############
130 ## Main
131 ############
132 Script_Usage $*
133 Define_Globals $*
134 logit
135 Check_oratab
136 Check_database_oratab
137 Check_database_Running
138 DB_Start

[oracle@localhost database]$ pwd

[oracle@localhost database]$ ./ test

Log File:

view /u01/logs/db_start.log

[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - 
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - Checking existence of ORATAB
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - /etc/oratab file found on the server, Continuing to next step....
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - checking existence of test in ORATAB
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - test database found in ORATAB, continuing to next step....
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - Check if the test databse is already running
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - Oracle Instance: test is Down, continuing to next step....

[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:26 EDT 2020] - starting Database

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun May 17 21:33:26 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  289406976 bytes
Fixed Size                  2923536 bytes
Variable Size             230687728 bytes
Database Buffers           50331648 bytes
Redo Buffers                5464064 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_name                              string      test


SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options

[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:57 EDT 2020] - Database started
[oracle][Sun May 17 21:33:57 EDT 2020] - end of script: ./ test


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