Oracle Database Client( Installation for Microsoft Windows(x64)

Step1) Download Oracle Client 12C from below link

Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64)

Download (64-bit) (925,039,944 bytes)

Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Download (32-bit) (902,922,170 bytes) 

chose the one based on your laptop

Step2) Extract the downloaded file

Oracle 12c 64 bit client has now been extracted.

Double click ‘setup.exe’.

This may test your patience, let it work! (Sometimes a minute or less can seem like an eternity).
Don’t touch anything!

Administrator: Enables applications to connect to an Oracle database on the local system or on a remote system. It provides tools that let you administer an Oracle database.

Runtime: Enables applications to connect to an Oracle database on the local system or on a remote system
Choose according to your need.
Click Next.

Choose language.
Click Next

Accept the default Windows Built-in Account – my preference.
Click Next.

Accept as it shows default – my preference.
Or change to reflect your own environment.
 Click Next

Relax, the Prerequisite Check should complete successfully momentarily. If not, check the log files and correct as directed.

Verify Global Settings. No changes should be required at this point.
Click Install.

Be patient, the process is working.

Pay Attention Note :  The default is ‘Public networks, such as those in airports and coffee shops …’.  Depending on your local JAVA implementation, you may or may not get this message. If you do, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to CHANGE the default to ‘Private networks, such as my home or work network’.   
Click Allow Access

Success!!  Party time!
You have now just installed the Oracle 12c 64 bit client!
Click Close!

Create a file called tnsnames.ora with your specific database connection information on a location
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
        ) (CONNECT_DATA =
                   (SERVER = dedicated)
            (SERVICE_NAME =


Now let’s go create the TNS_ADMIN environment variable!!

Click ‘Advanced system settings’.

Click ‘Environment Variables’.


Click OK.

Step 5)
Conn to database as user, we need to

select sqlplus.exe on location    D:\app\client\pavan\product\12.1.0\client_1\BIN

or type sqlplus in cmd prompt

Enter user-name:  pavan@""

'pavan' is user on a database

'' is service name

Finally you logged as a user to database.


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